
Authored Comments

Looks like the new app is not a task app, but instead aimed at disrupting Powerpoint:

No mention of Free software there, which I don't think is a surprise given that Wunderlist was not open code either.

I definitely choose Free software over proprietary whenever possible. It is key to be able to control your own destiny. But it doesn't always guarantee vitality of the project.

I went to Wunderlist after Astrid Tasks was bought by Yahoo! and shut down just months later. Astrid was Free software, but there was no fork that was cooked-enough for me to use for a long time. There is a fork under ongoing development now at I think I need to explore that again. It does hide tasks until due!

I'm not a fan of SaaS as somebody can pull the plug for any reason. Too often I've been caught out by those shutdowns with no recourse: Astrid, Wunderlist, Crashplan, Wuala, Google Reader, the list goes on.

I just came up with a new acronym (and palindrome): SOMOS - Software On My Own Server(TM)

It's my goal to eliminate all SaaS from my life and entirely use only SOMOS!

Addendum: Looks like Christian is starting a new task app. I hope it's as good or better than Wunderlist, and I hope he's learned his lesson.