Darin London

281 points
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Duke University

My primary experience is in using programming to provide industrial strength solutions to problems experienced by researchers in conducting their research endeavors. In crafting these solutions, I also strive to provide a high level of IT professionalization, using the tools of source control, code documentation, Test Driven Development, and the distinctions of development, test, and production environments that are the mainstay of traditional IT service provisions. I also stress the use of Open Source technology, not just to save money, but because I believe that research, especially public research, has a responsibility to foster the use of open data, and open source software. 

Authored Content

Testing Bash with BATS

The Bash Automated Testing System puts Bash code through the same types of testing processes used by Java, Ruby, and Python developers.

Authored Comments

Great minds think alike :) I published an article using the same sensor to opensource.com

if you are worried about the elasticsearch license, you should consider switching to prometheus and grafana, as they are opensource products. They can also run on arm architecture.

you might also be interested in the article about hosting grafana in the cloud.