
Authored Comments

Thank you Stephan,
You raise some very valid points. I did mention my hope that developers of other technologies [C, Java etc] would move into the Drupal landscape. What I did not mention is that I also hope highschoolers and College students choose PHP and Drupal as a lucrative career.
As for your objections to PHP on many levels. You're not alone in your position. Despite any of its short-comings, PHP continues to move the WEB in exciting directions at blinding speeds. As both a solution to today's Web Applications demand AND as a money making vehicle for a shop or individual, PHP has stood the test of time and proven itself to be efective on many levels.
But as I said... Your criticisms are shared by many and every honest PHP dev has many pain points. PHP continues to improve and I'm excited at how Drupal will continue to leverage it in the future!