James Mawson

263 points
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Melbourne, Australia

By day, James Mawson develops marketing materials for technology companies. He's a computer, business and internet nerd, inveterate retro gamer and Raspberry Pi hacker, and a passionate promoter of desktop Linux.

Authored Comments

Awesome Jason, I've actually been curious for a while as to what pro designers think of open source alternatives to Adobe.

I've been very happy with GIMP myself, but as a blogger and web guy my needs are not at all sophisticated.

What about the fact that just the rest of your industry is using Adobe, and would be passing around projects in that file format? Does that happen a lot and is that a major pain point for open source?

My guess is that it plays nice with C++, it's a very popular language :)

The quickest way to check would be to just try it - it's a super lightweight program that installs so fast.