Let me share another one, a success case of the City of Barcelona, who sponsored an opensource platform (www.sentilo.io) that acts as a middleware and data bus for sensor & actuators spread throughout the city. A bottom-up approach to turn services Smart,allowing iterative measurements and improvements, cost reduction or service changes. This was typicaly managed by the service contractors, that kept the information isolated in their vertical, and now, thanks to tools such as this, the data is available to the city authorities that can decide which use they want to make of it.
This was developed by opentrends.net, deployed in early 2013 and now manages up to 10.000 sensors/actuators and has managed some 525 Milion transactions in the city of Barcelona. Now being implemented in other minor cities, and tested around the globle.
Ready to be downloaded right from the webpage: www.sentilo.io
Hi, very cool iniciatives.
Let me share another one, a success case of the City of Barcelona, who sponsored an opensource platform (www.sentilo.io) that acts as a middleware and data bus for sensor & actuators spread throughout the city. A bottom-up approach to turn services Smart,allowing iterative measurements and improvements, cost reduction or service changes. This was typicaly managed by the service contractors, that kept the information isolated in their vertical, and now, thanks to tools such as this, the data is available to the city authorities that can decide which use they want to make of it.
This was developed by opentrends.net, deployed in early 2013 and now manages up to 10.000 sensors/actuators and has managed some 525 Milion transactions in the city of Barcelona. Now being implemented in other minor cities, and tested around the globle.
Ready to be downloaded right from the webpage: www.sentilo.io
Thank you.
Best Regards.
Eduard X.