
Authored Comments

I agree entirely re VueScan from Hamrick Software. Really good and very affordable.

This article is a great tool for promoting the use of open source. I personally have been using apps like GIMP, OpenOffice, Bluefish, Mozilla and now Firefox, T-Bird for over a decade. (Some of the names or projects have changed over time, of course.) I've edited many MS Office documents using OpenOffice (now I use LibreOffice) for one of the Fortune 100 companies and nobody knew. And I mean I did serious rewrites, amendments, and complete overhauls of Word docs, PowerPoints, Excel docs because everything I was given essentially was a draft. And I did that for 10 years and always received glowing comments re the quality of my work.

The bottom line is "Open Source works."

Great article, Jason. I've already shared it with several people.