James Farrell

669 points
James Farrell

I am a long time UNIX system administrator and open source advocate. In recent years my primary focus as been on Linux & FreeBSD systems administration, networking, telecom, and SAN/storage management. I love building infrastructure, tying systems together, creating processes, and bringing people together in support of their technical efforts.

When I can, I try to contribute back to the open source projects either with patches, or by helping others in technical support forums.

Authored Comments

Bryant thanks, it's a good place to start, I may need to dive into that soon (I'm definitely not a front-end person so simple frameworks help!)

Did you consider at all 960 (https://960.gs/) or unsemantic (https://unsemantic.com/)? I've used both in the past to some success, pretty bare-bones for formatting only, but I'm looking for something to get my internal sites to the next level.


Thanks. I had to keep it short otherwise I would have gone on forever about BBS's, printer hi jinx, games, hardware, etc. I was definitely an Apple ][ fan for many years, got down in 6502 assembly, 16bit Pro-DOS, C programming ... very fun days indeed!