Jim Scarborough

73 points
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North Carolina, United States

From the country's hot spot for tornadoes per-capita, Huntsville, Alabama, Jim brings together an understanding of the severity of tornadoes, concern for fellow Red Hatters' safety as a Safety Warden, and over 20 years' experience developing software into a nighttime coding gig to create the ultimate tornado warning device.

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It's really funny that you'd raise this concern when a quick <a href="https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jenkins+sprawl">search</a> for "jenkins sprawl" turns up <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CloudBees">CloudBees</a>, a SAAS provider specializing in addressing large Jenkins deployments. Here you have the option of paying for an open source solution in a managed environment - buying the skills of a Jenkins contributor and folks who have focused their attention on how to make it work for the enterprise. Exactly what you asked for!

Open source tools are providing mature value to companies, some of whom are contributing directly to its success. Open source software has been demonstrated to have fewer bugs per thousand lines of code than closed-source counterparts [<a href="http://www.sdtimes.com/content/article.aspx?ArticleID=36396&page=1">1</a>]. Firms with the deepest of pockets, like NYSE Euronext [<a href="http://www.wired.com/2011/10/nyse-open-mama/">2</a>] are embracing open source, and have been for years. The best of open source software attracts more users, more contributors, and makes for even better software.

The contributors to open source software are not just amateurs. Professionals contribute core parts of open source code and serve to maintain existing software. [<a href="https://fossbazaar.org/content/differences-between-paid-and-volunteer-foss-contributors/">3</a>] There is no shortage of people with a vested interest in better open source software.