
Authored Comments

I have been a coder for 50 years and I was a beekeeper for over 20 years. I had about 1,000 hives. Your hive is real cute but:

1. expensive to build and takes too long. I used 3/8 exterior plywood recycled from food canneries here in Calif.

2. There is a Federal Law in the US and most other countries that the frames must be removable. There is only a tolerance of 1/8 inch. If you do not get this tolerance perfect, too small, and they will stick propolis and stick the frames, too much tolerance and they will add comb. The frames hold the comb. Also, the slanted sides will cause the bees to add comb in there. What this means is that the frames cannot be removed to get the honey out or for the Bee Inspectors to inspect the hives for disease.

The legs are the most stupid think I have ever seen. They will rot and the hive will be destroyed. I usually took 70 hives on one truck load, that design could not even be loaded on a truck.

The linseed oil is will not preserve the hive box from rotting. I know that the design team is from the eastern US because what they designed is for a permanent site. In agriculture, you must be able to move hives quickly from one pollination site to another.

My bees pollinated the following crops:

1. Almonds = must be pollinated or no nuts
2. Cherries
3. Oranges
4. Alfalfa seed = again pollination is essential
5. Lima beans for seed = not required but you get more production
6. Onions and Garlic = especially to produce seed

This is called migratory bee keeping. The beekeeper must have his bees at the farm at exactly the right time. As a previous respondent gave said, there are a whole list of diseases that impact bees. One, called American Foul Brood, not only kills the brood being raised in the hive but then spreads to the other hives as well and kills them dead too. When a Bee Inspector finds such hives, he burns them immediately and does not need to ask the owner to do it.

America is the pioneer in modern scientific beekeeping. These people should contact their local Agricultural Commissioner for more information, also the Dadant Company on the Internet because they are real pioneers in this, and also contact the agricultural university in their state for more information.

I know they are well meaning but totally and dangerously off track. I highly recommend contacting the scientist at the University of California in Davis, CA. They have already done what these folks are proposing.