Lewis Cowles (He/Him, They,Them,Theirs)

Authored Comments

I was a lefty until I went to school. They forced me to use my right and now I'm ambidextrous. I realise it's not that easy for most, it took years for me and now my right hand is more dominant and more precise.

I mostly wanted to ask, what issues the number pad being on the right has? and if you've attempted mapping buttons and keys in XOrg/XFree to overcome complexities, or if it's just that the devices don't fit on the wrong hand like scissors?

> For instance, I would be available via instant-messaging platforms during standard working hours, respond to emails within 24 hours, and visit the office at least once a month.

That is unacceptable behaviour and an intrusion into personal life. I work from home, have done for some time, but I always quickly spring to red-alert if someone suggests that they contact me on a weekend or out-of-hours, or becomes demanding with my time that they have not scheduled.

The whole Yahoo work until you drop, then drop some caffeine and work some more is dangerous and unhealthy. It hurts a lot more than it helps, and as we shed the chains of traditional labour I do think it's important to keep our eyes open to avoid future chains as well.

I too loved the idea of proactively sending messages and it's a practice I try to follow too.