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San Francisco
I am a lawyer and community-builder, and currently the co-founder and general counsel of Tidelift.
In previous lives, I've been:
- Deputy General Counsel at the Wikimedia Foundation;
- a board member of the Open Source Initiative, and chair of the licensing committee;
- an associate at Greenberg Traurig, working for a variety of clients on technology transactions and licensing issues;
- an attorney at Mozilla, where I led the revision of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0;
- maintainer of a GPL'd operating system for Lego Mindstorms robots;
- QA and management with GNOME, Ximian, and Novell;
- a member of the GNOME board of directors.
Authored Comments
Sure, they exist (see some discussion <a href="http://tieguy.org/blog/2008/06/06/observation-on-my-office-and-the-dominance-of-word/">on my blog</a>) but there are also law offices that still use typewriters. ;)
I'm guessing there is some selection bias at work here; the lawyers who are completely incapable of grokking sharing (most of them, sadly) stay away from the area because they can't understand their potential clients. The ones who can understand the clients are almost necessarily also ones who are at least empathetic to sharers, even if they aren't very good at it themselves.