Máirín Duffy

Authored Comments

I just wanted to point out while Gimp is the traditional er, scape goat in this kind of debate (haha scape *goat*, if you get it), actually the Gimp vs. Photoshop debate isn't really all that relevant and hasn't been at least for the past couple of years. Gimp has a UX team lead by Peter Sikking (of http://mmiworks.net/ ) and they have been making steady progress in improving the UI. Honestly it's pretty darn good now.

A better modern-day example might be - oh, I don't know - XChat vs Colloquy or something.

I know it's a bit off of the point you were trying to make, but I couldn't not say something - sorry :(

Hi Marcel!

I think we could definitely use your skill set in Fedora - can you drop me an email with some more detail on what happened and I'll try to help sort it out and find you a project to work on? It's duffy =at= fedoraproject [dot] org.