Máirín Duffy

Authored Comments

I love this! Another good thing for the folks setting the vision to do (at least in this mall kiosk situation) would be to actually visit kiosks and interact with the employees on-the-ground. Or even role play for a day or two just to get a better handle on the reality of the situation? There was a show I saw last Christmas - I wish I could remember, I think it was on CBS' 60 minutes - where a business owner flew out to one of his company's factories and applied for a job on the floor - he actually ended up getting fired from his own company in a matter of hours :) He went to different parts of the company trying different roles to better understand what was really going on so he could better plan a strategic vision that had a chance of happening!

Pretend Gruber's blog post is about VHS and my answer to his questions is "who cares."