Mark Krake

1128 points
Mark Krake
Bonn, Germany

Mark Krake is a Requirements Engineer and Software Developer, Co-Founder of metasfresh Open Source ERP, Community Member of ADempiere ERP and Founder Member of the ADempiere Foundation

Authored Comments

Thanks alot for starting your comparison of Open Source Supply Chain Tools. I would like to suggest the following ones too. The first one is ADempiere ERP - a Community driven Open Source ERP Software which has sophisticated SCM functionalities (Warehouse Management, Distribution, Product Planning, Manufacturing, Costing, Accounting). The second one is metasfresh - a Distribution of ADempiere which extends the already exitisting SCM functionalities with Handling Unit Management, Tracking an Retraceability, Picking and Transportation Management. Both projects can be found on GitHub.

I had to smile :-) and really enjoyed reading because it mirrors exactly the feelings I had when participating the first time in an Open Source Community, especially the points 3, 4 and 5 hit the nail on the head. But those doubts disappear quickly after recognizing that the community embraces every contribution and helps you to move forward. Thanks alot for sharing.