
Authored Comments

I think we've all deleted something we shouldn't have. My worse was deleting the product file on a live point of sale system. Most of the clients had several copies of the product file in several places on their systems and I was asked to dial in and delete the copies as they were running out of disk space. So I deleted a few copies and did one more with cd / rm / pwd (see what I did wrong there?) I immediately saw my error and phoned the client, who were phoning us to say that a product they knew they had loads of in stock, was missing off their system.

I was very lucky - I deleted the file at 16:45 and the business closed at 17:15 so they only had to hand write orders for 30 mins. Had I done it in the morning, they would not have been best pleased, as the restore took 2 hours from tape. I had to stay late to fix my mess.

If none of the above work (sometimes a process refuses to die) remember that a computers attention span is only as long as its power cable.