
Authored Comments

I'm pretty sure my three DVD recorders run Linux, as does my PVR, my DVD player and the MP3 players I have. With DVD recorders, it's the DVD drive that dies not the hard disk. The drives are IDE and finding replacements is getting difficult.

Here in the UK, ATMs run Windows and it's not uncommon to see a BSOD on them, usually when my wallet is empty and I need to use one.

I agree with Greg Pittman - not every account needs a super strong passwords. For forums, twitter and facebook I use a really simple and guessable password; if somebody wants to tweet on my behalf, me declaring was on some country, I wouldn't lose any sleep.

Something I figured out a long time ago is that chemical formulas are pretty good passwords. In my testing John the Ripper can't find them and they are easy to remember. I work in a college and I remarked to a chemistry teacher that my password was an organic compound. He said there are only about 4.5 million of them, so it shouldn't take too long to crack it!