
Authored Comments

40 years in computing, and I've always identified with Catweazle. "Nothing works. Nothing ever works."

I guess I've been doing things incorrectly for the last 25 years of running Linux on the desktop. Still if Windows works for you, so be it. Unfortunately, I have to run Windows at work, and I am constantly amazed at how primitive the Windows interface is. No mulitple desktops, only one item in the clipboard, effectively only a single user machine, etc.

I work in a college, where we have Windows computers in a pool for students and teachers have Windows laptops (we can't wean them of ppt). Most students BYOD, mostly phones, a split of about 55% Android and 45% iOS. Students seem to do everything IT wise on phones successfully. They must have good eyes but not for long I suspect. I can barely see what is on a mobile phone screen.