Indianapolis, IN, USA
Michael Dowden is a Senior Principal & Software Architecture Lead at CSpring where he uses Java and Open Source tools and methodologies. He organizes the Indianapolis Java User Group and regularly speaks on software development topics. Visit his profile on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter @mrdowden.
Authored Comments
Thanks for your comment! Yes, the lack of rapid ramp-up was definitely a major detractor for this particular list.
Since most of the comments seem to be "Why not X framework" I want to point out that this was never intended to be a top-4 list, but rather a "here are 4 frameworks you should consider" list. I wanted to showcase frameworks outside of the "traditional" set. It's pretty easy to assume that most Java web developers are at least loosely familiar with JSF and Struts.
The only reason Spring made the list is that I felt the Spring Boot initiative (combined with stability and flexibility) makes it a compelling option for modern web development.
Meteor is a JavaScript framework. This article was focused strictly on Java frameworks.