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Rexford, NY
Marcus D. Hanwell | Marcus leads the Open Chemistry project, developing open source tools for chemistry, bioinformatics, and materials science research. He completed an experimental PhD in Physics at the University of Sheffield, a Google Summer of Code developing Avogadro and Kalzium, and a postdoctoral fellowship combining experimental and computational chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh before moving to Kitware in late 2009. He is now a Technical Leader in the Scientific Computing group at Kitware, a member of the Blue Obelisk, blogs, @mhanwell on Twitter and is active on Google+. He is passionate about open science, open source and making sense of increasingly large scientific data to understand the world around us.
Authored Comments
The fear of being scooped is all too prevalent in academia There are some who will only ever talk about/show already published work for that reason, and in many ways this is driven by the current reward mechanism which revolves around publication, impact factor and the h-index. This is further complicated by the technology transfer office, and the accumulation of "intellectual property" by universities. There are however many movements as you point out that are beginning to address this, and I hope that we will see even more in 2014!
I have only attended one mentor summit (the year VTK took part in 2011), but started as a student in 2007, and had been a mentor every year but this one. It is a great program, and it sounds like the mentor summit is still great. Hoping to be able to get VTK in again next year (we didn't make the final cut this year), I think it is great for our community and we had a lot of interest from students. Thanks for the thorough write up of the summit.