Mitch Mclaughlin

Authored Comments

I would say, try to use the Raspbian operating systems or else things can get problematic. If you can't do that, maybe try to remove the cgi packages.

Thank you for the comment Rock. I responded with similar logic above in my response to Paul. However, this tutorial, if you will, is akin to constructing a house from scratch. It builds the framework and is the skeleton for the home. No one is suggesting that secure door locks, a secure garage door, and basic knowledge about security are secondary. I'm suggesting, home security, in reality, can't be implemented prior to building the infrastructure. And at some point between building the infrastructure and outfitting the home with luxury furniture, secure door locks *should* be put in place.

I view your logic somewhat comparable to, well, the average homeowner is not allowed to have a yard unless the entire yard is perfectly fabricated, cohesive, mowed, and a healthy green. And my response would be, but how can someone grow a beautiful, natural lawn from scratch without first planting the seeds? And how can it grow into maturity when the initial environment is not conducive or accepting to stages of growth and risk taking? And if your response is, "don't grow it, hire professionals". I would say, not good enough. I'll explain why. I never wanted to grow it in the beginning, but the professionals scammed me and I can no longer trust them. So, I arrived at the next logical option of doing it myself.

In short, I think your concerns are valid, I would just ask you are open to other view points as well.