Ahmad Awais

118 points
Ahmad Awais

👨‍🏫 Edutainer at VSCode.pro 🎩 Full-time #OpenSourcerer 🥑 JavaScript Developer Advocate 😂 Hilarious comedian 🔥 Ridiculously hard-working Full Stack Web Developer ⓦ Regular WordPress Core Developer 📣 TEDx Speaker ✌️ Spends 50-80% of his time building professional FOSS (Free & Open Source Software) used by over 218,900 Developers 🙌 Cloud Community Evangelist 🎯 JavaScript & DevOps fanboy

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Authored Comments

You're right I should do a better job at explaining the emoji as well. Thank you.

? Emoji meaning: A "package emoji" — which can contain new stuff.
? Emoji meaning: An "OK Hand emoji" — which is meant to appreciate an improvement.
? Emoji meaning: A "bug emoji" — which means there was a bug that got fixed.
? Emoji meaning: A "book emoji" — which means documentation or notes just like in a book.
? Emoji meaning: A "rocket emoji" — which is meant to show a new release/launch.
✅ Emoji meaning: A "check emoji" — which says some test were run successfully.

I wrote about it under the heading of Philosophy! Kindly read that. "Instead of memorizing hundreds of emoji, I've learned it's better to keep the categories small and general." Can you and your team seriously remember hundreds of emoji messages from GitMoji?