Nicholas Hunt-Walker

253 points
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Seattle, WA

My name is Nicholas Hunt-Walker and I’m currently a software developer working at Starbucks' department of Emerging Technology. My specialty is in using Python for development, but I dabble heavily in JavaScript as well. I wasn't always this way. For 5.5 years I was a graduate student at the University of Washington pursuing a Ph.D. in astronomy. My goal was to study the structure of our galaxy by looking at the positions and properties of evolved stars. I also used the skills I built up as a scientist to dip into data science, building those skills out doing small projects that helped refine my abilities.

Regardless of these very different paths, the common thread is that I'm driven by curiosity and the possibility of building something cool and interesting. I love web/software development because it gives me a blank canvas upon which to paint my curiosity. I love data analysis because it gives me the opportunity to be curious in a structured and systematic way, while also expanding my curiosity by learning something new. No matter what I do to move forward, my curiosity will always lead the way.

If you want to contact me, email me at I'd love to hear from you!

Authored Comments

I should've replied to this last month when you posted it. An unfinished version of all of it is available here: