I am mobile application developer at Kathmandu Living Labs. Working with the team at Kathmandu Living Labs, i have been championing the OpenStreetMap and Open Map data movement in Nepal. By training and mobilizing volunteers we have been successful to make OpenStreetMap as the most detailed map data source for Kathmandu. We are working on expanding the work beyond Kathmandu. I was involved in application of different Open Source technology during Nepal Earthquake 2015.
I have been involved in application of Open Data and OpenStreetMap in different sectors like disaster resilience, governance, agriculture, food security, water health and sanitation. i have experience in training very diverse groups ranging from undergrad geo informatics engineering students to map illiterate farmers.
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Hi Anoj, you can reach KLL at kathmandulivinglabs@gmail.com for ODK related services. Another helpful resource is http://schoolofdata.org/courses/#MobileDataCollection if you want to do some exploration yourself.