Nolan Leake

65 points
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Nolan has been a Linux user since 1995. Nolan loves systems software, hardware and high-power rocketry. In a previous life, he co-founded Cumulus Networks, that built a Debian-derived Network Operating System for data-center switches that powers some of the biggest clouds in the world.

Authored Comments

Dynamic IP address DNS is handled with the usual Dyn DNS techniques. Currently I'm wired up to a 3rd party DynDNS service, but I will be implementing my own soon, to reduce the number of accounts you have to create/manage.

Most ISPs block outgoing port 25, but relatively few block incoming, so receiving mail is rarely a problem.

For outgoing mail, right now if the port is blocked you're out of luck, but I am working on a proxy that will preserve TLS encryption from SMTP server to SMTP server. The proxy will not see the plaintext SMTP session, only the TLS encrypted stream.

For the smaller number of folks whose ISPs block incoming port 25, I think I can do a similar proxy that demultiplexes for multiple SMTP servers using a single IP address, by relying on the "EHLO" string that comes before TLS encryption is begins. This may also help people stuck behind CGNAT.

I should have been a bit more clear. I would call the project alpha level at the moment, so we aren't building images just yet.

If you'd (or anyone else reading this) would like, I can email you when we have something approximating beta quality and are building images. Send me an email at if you're interested.

If you do decide to build an image yourself, please let me know how it goes, and if I can help.

- nolan