Peter Booth

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Just to join the dots further... Here’s what I mean by a developer understanding how a system uses resources:
“Application X has over 100 threads. Three are hot threads that spin on a core- the market data event handler and the two worker threads. Most of the remaining threads are thread per connection threads that are cold most of the time. Then there are four warm threads - the logger, the persister... We want the market data event handler to always run on socket one bevsuse the market data NIC is on the second PCI-X slot and that thread can stay NUMA local. This app is one where Latency is more important than throughput so we don’t use the default NIC Interrupt coalescing settings,...”

The best way to validate that these preconditions are true is to use ethtool, perf-test (both require root). So the question shouldn’t be “do we need root access?” but rather “does it make sense to have root access?” I have seen far more damage caused by developers and SAs not understanding how their systems behave than by the occasional human errors made at a root shell. I think that root access should be audited - one of the best learning experiences about a host can be simply to execute:
sudo -s
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