Pete Herzog

478 points
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I am an avid Maker, Hacker, and Researcher. I teach my kids to hack, pick locks, look things up, and question authority. I'm also the co-founder of ISECOM ( and as Managing Director am directly involved in all ISECOM projects. In 2000, I created the OSSTMM ( for security testing and analysis. I am still the lead developer of the OSSTMM but have also lead the organization into new research challenges like Smarter Safer Better (, the Bad People Project (, Hacker Highschool ( and the Home Security Methodology ( My strong interest in the properties of trust and how it affects us and our lives has led to developing trust metrics and through that have brought ISECOM more deeply into Human Security.

Authored Comments

I completely agree with you! That's what I love about security/hacking as well. I think a lot of the comp sci and even the newer security-centered majors need to focus more on how things work and work together or else they're never going to "get it". Big software is written by many people using many pre-built code pieces and then tested for some security but mostly functionality. It takes a hacker to see the big picture and how all the pieces work (or fail) together under certain conditions.

Thanks for your comment and take a look at some of our other projects you probably never heard of either ;) The is shaping up pretty well too!