Paul Jones

204 points
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Paul Jones is Strategic Consultant in Informatics at Intrahealth International as well as the director of (the site formerly known as MetaLab and SunSITE UNC). In addition to speaking and writing engagements all over the world and the internet, Paul teaches at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the School of Information and Library Science and the School of Media and Journalism. 

Authored Comments

Surprised that no one has mentioned "Gwibber is an open source microblogging client for Linux. It brings the most popular social networking web services to your desktop and gives you the ability to control how you communicate."

Any experience with that or knowledge about that project?

I agree that email fills that role for many people. My contention is that it does a crappy job and that we use it out of habit long after the use case has collapsed under its own weight.

To recap, we saw email as a Swiss Army Knife only to watch it become a Rube Goldberg contraption and a time sink and annoyance.

How to improve the situation? #noemail is my way of probing for better answer; complacency as we slowly sink into the smelly bog isn't the answer I choose.