Paul Jones

204 points
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Paul Jones is Strategic Consultant in Informatics at Intrahealth International as well as the director of (the site formerly known as MetaLab and SunSITE UNC). In addition to speaking and writing engagements all over the world and the internet, Paul teaches at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the School of Information and Library Science and the School of Media and Journalism. 

Authored Comments

Afraid I have to agree about Diaspora.

Geeks, especially open source coding geeks, get their social interactions in the process of writing code and sharing in that environment where they are much less private than in their personal lives. "Here's my code. Judge me on that. I'll keep my birthdate to myself." Nothing wrong with that.

But github or sourceforge or launchpad are likely places for social connections and fulfillment for many of the readers and commenters on

Sorry I didn't think to bring that up earlier.

You could use Diaspora