Paul Jones

204 points
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Paul Jones is Strategic Consultant in Informatics at Intrahealth International as well as the director of (the site formerly known as MetaLab and SunSITE UNC). In addition to speaking and writing engagements all over the world and the internet, Paul teaches at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the School of Information and Library Science and the School of Media and Journalism. 

Authored Comments

Newness has advantages other than just newness; that is new insights into technologies and their uses are more likely to be baked into the code. This is certainly what I've found as I've been divesting from email and moving those assets and time and attention to other communications areas. Yes, you can send attachments, but far better and easier to use a collaborative document space like say Gdocs. Yes, you can suttle date choices around trying to arrange a meeting date, but far better to use a shared calendar. Yes you can send movies and pictures around as attachments, but...

You get the picture. The big picture. Technologies for cooperation, collaboration and communications are leaving email behind.

I have a very aggressive spam filter -- thanks to Gmail -- or I would really be in trouble. None of the email that I received was spam -- or nearly none, is a groupon that I don't want spam if the next one the one I do want not spam? or should I depend on my FB friends to alert me?

I have many friends, Twitter and FB make it easier to manage that large information and social activity flow. Email, not so much.