Karsten 'quaid' Wade

297 points
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Santa Cruz, CA

For the last decade Karsten has been teaching and living the open source way. As a member of Red Hat's premier community leadership team, he helps with various community activities in the Fedora Project and other projects Red Hat is involved in. As a 15 year IT industry veteran, Karsten has worked most sides of common business equations as an IS manager, professional services consultant, technical writer, and developer advocate.
Karsten lives in his hometown of Santa Cruz, CA with his wife and two daughters on their small urban farm, Fairy-Tale Farm, where they focus on growing their own food and nurturing sustainable community living.

Authored Comments

This all reminds me of a session I was in at the <a href="http://cue.org">Computer Using Educators (CUE)</a> conference a few years ago. The presenter from <a href="http://iskme.org">ISKME</a> asked the educators about how they source and attribute materials. Based on self-voting on pieces of paper, most people used all manner of resources in their classrooms downloaded from the web, but fewer than 50% of the people agreed with the phrase, "I check copyright to see if I have permission to use a work." Most marked another paper with, "I believe copyright materials can be used in the classroom as fair use," but people who spoke up admitted they didn't know what that really meant.

I've seen some nice analysis tools and presentations on the web, here are a few that are valuable. If I recall any others, I'll post them back to this discussion.




Here's one analysis tool that I haven't done more than play with:


Spend a few minutes hunting around, then a few more reading, and you'll find quite a bit to teach the class.

That's a good idea, at least for the source - although I'll suggest gitorious because the source code for it is free and open (unlike github currently).

However, I think we'll hear about only 1/10th (or less!) of the problems if we make people leave this site to report issues. Using the comments field is unwieldy, though. Perhaps when a comment is actually a bug, it can be filed and a new comment linking to that bug report?