Aleksandar Todorović

931 points
Aleksandar Todorović
Brčko, Bosnia & Herzegovina

I'm a part of the tech department for an awesome investigative journalism network called OCCRP. I'm really passionate about open source software, artificial intelligence and information security. My open source contributions are now merged with projects like reddit, elementary OS and the Tor Project. I'm running a personal blog where I share my personal stories. You can connect with me on Twitter: @r3bl_.

Authored Comments

It's actually my third one. I became a Community Moderator as of June 1st, so there will be much more of them in the future. :)

Actually, it works great on 3.16.0-41 kernel currently featured in Ubuntu 14.04. I don't want to switch to some newer kernel because I want to keep using the default elementary installation so I can replicate, confirm and create bug reports. By upgrading it, I could run into bugs that could not be replicated and therefore create unnecessary reports to elementary.

My battery does not last longer than on Windows (2 hours and 15 minutes compared to 1 and a half hour on elementary OS), but the temperature is significantly lower.

Currently, my laptop is running on 51 degrees Celsius (6 tabs in Firefox, 5 tabs in Thunderbird, Terminator and 3 files opened in Atom). On Windows, it used to get up to 70 degrees as soon as Windows started.