Aleksandar Todorović

931 points
Aleksandar Todorović
Brčko, Bosnia & Herzegovina

I'm a part of the tech department for an awesome investigative journalism network called OCCRP. I'm really passionate about open source software, artificial intelligence and information security. My open source contributions are now merged with projects like reddit, elementary OS and the Tor Project. I'm running a personal blog where I share my personal stories. You can connect with me on Twitter: @r3bl_.

Authored Comments

I had actually confronted to my college professors multiple times and said that I refuse to use Microsoft's Office for my assignments. I have a license for Office 365 and most of my professors know that, but it's not about the license, it's about the principle.

Sometimes, I succeeded and they allowed me to use LibreOffice (well, actually, they say that I'm allowed to use OpenOffice, but like there's any significant difference between them). In one class (called Introduction to CS) I even got extra points because of it. I was writing a report about the open source software so the professor appreciated that I was actually using open source software to write it.

One time, I didn't succeed and I was forced to use Microsoft's Office, but even then, I refused to boot to Windows and used the web version of Office 365 instead. I'm just too stubborn.

Of course, not everyone's in the position to stand up to their professors like I am. Fortunately for me, I have a reputation of being one of the best students in my year, so they kind of go easy on me.

This is the most brilliant answer to this question that I have ever read. Thank you for sharing this!