Aleksandar Todorović

931 points
Aleksandar Todorović
Brčko, Bosnia & Herzegovina

I'm a part of the tech department for an awesome investigative journalism network called OCCRP. I'm really passionate about open source software, artificial intelligence and information security. My open source contributions are now merged with projects like reddit, elementary OS and the Tor Project. I'm running a personal blog where I share my personal stories. You can connect with me on Twitter: @r3bl_.

Authored Comments

Amazing article! This is helpful in so many different ways!

That's a pretty big step to make if you've never done a pull request before. Good job!

But I want to point out that beginners don't need any kind of a special challenge to make pull requests. I keep saying that actually contributing to open source software is just a few steps long process:

1. Start using some open source program on a regular basis.
2. When you get familiar enough with how software works, switch to the latest (beta, nightly, daily, whatever) version.
3. Take a look at their repository and see the ways you can contribute to them.
4. Start contributing.

By following these short steps, I managed to merge my commits with projects such as reddit, elementary OS, Tor Browser, TextSecure, RedPhone and so on.