Maxim Stewart

513 points
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Maxim Stewart has been using FOSS for roughly 6+ years now and has loved every minute of it. FOSS has given him the freedom to explore and question how things work and as such, it has given him skills in the fields of troubleshooting, programming, and IT to improve the world one byte at a time. He has striven to share his knowledge through platforms such as Youtube,, and elsewhere. Furthermore, he is the maintainer of a fledgling OS called Sol-OS (NOT Solus) which aims to be lightweight and feature packed. It has also served as a means to improve his programming skills in Java, C++, Javascript, Bash, and other languages.

Authored Comments

For those who hate Vim I recommend trying it with the -y switch. It's an easy mode that makes it function more like a regular text editor such as nano or ed.

Though, you will have to pull the command mode up using ctrl+o and then doing :q or whatever the situation requires to exit it.

From their website: "Omnia sends information about suspicious data streams to the Turris headquarters."

That's kinda concerning to me. Also, their OS is based on WRT but I couldn't tell if their OS actual is open source.