Ricardo Berlasso

246 points
RGB-es, aka the Tolkian Penguin

On the web I'm known as RGB, RGB-es or el pingüino tolkiano (the Tolkian Penguin). I write, mostly in Spanish but also in English and Italian, about free software, text processing and typography.

I'm the author of a CC licensed book that explains how to use LibreOffice Writer (and talks a bit about Math, Draw and Chart). Originally written in Spanish as Domando al escritor (Taming the Writer), there is an old Italian translation, and a shiny English edition: To Tame a Writer.

I'm also the author of a book about LyX, LaTeX, XeTeX and OpenType. The original Spanish edition is LyX, la otra forma de escribir, but it has been translated into English as LyX, The Other Way of Writing.

Meanwhile I keep writing in my blogs, mainly about free software but also about science, education, photography... whatever I can think of.

Authored Comments

Hi! Typography toolbar only works for Linux Libertine G and Linux Biolinum G and it's centred on their Graphite features. Some Graphite tags have the same name than the corresponding OpenType tags and maybe that's the reason it seems to work with other fonts, but the extension is unmaintained (as the above mentioned Graphite fonts) so be careful at using it.


Indeed! I really need to start learning how to use Scribus, and now that some important features are finally on place, I have no excuse!