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Oakland, California
Sam is a Python and Scala developer and distributed-systems "enthusiast" who spends much of his time thinking about data architecture, communication and organization skills, and how to build healthy and inclusive teams. He regularly attends, speaks at, and helps organize Python conferences around the world, and can currently be found at Nuna Inc. building data systems to improve health outcomes for US Medicare recipients. Sam enjoys cooking, cycling, and cocktails, and resides in Oakland, California with his husband Kameron and their two dogs Mochi and Basil.
Authored Comments
I would be absolutely thrilled to hear about a project/product team conducting and publishing results of third-party audits! That’s a pretty high bar at the moment though; hopefully we can help move it up over time but just the existence of some documentation on security considerations and, as you put it, proof that the authors paid heed to best practices is a good starting point. If you have the expertise available, doing your own audits (or having a teammate do them) is never a bad idea either. Trust, but verify!