Sandra McCann

798 points
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Sandra McCann is a Linux and open source advocate. She's worked as a software developer, content architect for learning resources, and content creator. Sandra is currently a content creator for Red Hat in Westford, MA focusing on Ansible. 

Authored Comments

I ran a 15 minute daily 'scrum' for about a year and a half, with 3-4 other participants and it was fantastically productive. That said, we frequently ran over to 30 minutes because we didn't stick tightly to the idea of what's to be covered in a scrum. But even with that run-over, it was the most productive group I've ever been a part of!

Having an agenda, keeping the meeting on track, and something like a kanban board etc are great tools to ensure worthwhile meetings. Someone mentioned somewhere else that keeping meetings to discussions, not status/info dumps also helps.

Nice! I've wondered about vagrant but never had the time to dig into what it is/does. Perfect 5 minute intro to wet the appetite!