Sandra McCann

798 points
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Sandra McCann is a Linux and open source advocate. She's worked as a software developer, content architect for learning resources, and content creator. Sandra is currently a content creator for Red Hat in Westford, MA focusing on Ansible. 

Authored Comments

Interesting post! I love the list for sure :-) It's also got me thinking of other ways we can and should work openly. Now the question is, which of the wonderfully accurate obstacles listed is the one I'll hide behind instead of putting my thoughts down in a post, eh? :-)

Any comments or ideas on how to catch Frank's dissolution before it gets too far? Can this be caught early by more regular 1x1 sessions or some other approach?

I agree that the onus is on both the individual and the company (ceo down to first line manager) to help keep people engaged and passionate. It's so hard to get that back once it's lost. And the risk is there that one person's dissolution can dampen the other team members.