Sarah Pratt

46 points
Sarah Pratt, NeoSpeech
Santa Clara

Sarah loves the idea of open source technology and is excited to see the advancements that are made due to making technology open source. Sarah works for NeoSpeech, a leading Text-to-Speech company, and manages their blog Text2Speech, which occasionally posts about open source speech technology.

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Hi Robert,

Thank you for sharing your story, I am sorry to hear you and your father went through this. I cannot imagine how hard that must have been. While I am not mute myself, I often see the effects that this has on people who are mute and their close friends and family. I recently talked to a young lady who used text-to-speech to say her wedding vows. It was such a lovely story and shows how speech technology really can change lives.

I am very excited to see how this technology will progress now that it is open source - hopefully we will soon have a solution that everyone can afford. Good luck with your project, I'm so glad to hear someone is working on this already!