Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

Absolutely! those pre-configured shortcuts are so telling. I have to admit, I usually end up customizing most of my shortcuts (I prefer my "global" key bindings to be centered around the Super key rather than Ctrl, which I prefer for application-local shortcuts) but it's always refreshing to see that the distro maintainer accounts for sensible and predictable keyboard shortcuts.

One of the biggest deals for me was when Konsole and Gnome Terminal aligned on what keyboard shortcut was used to open a new tab. That was a momentous occasion, and heralded a bright new future for desktop Linux, IMHO.

I sometimes forget why all those distros exist. While *many* of them are "vanity" distros, a lot of them are super useful for very specific needs, rejuvenating "dead" computers being a significant one. It surprises and puzzles me to this day that Linux doesn't get more recognition for its emphasis on being "green" (friendly to the ecology). For that alone, you'd expect people interested in supporting ethical industry to support Linux wholesale.