Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

I could be wrong, and as of this comment I have not investigated because although I deal with 4 and 8k video at work, I proxy them down for editing (especially since most client review systems don't even support 4k playback). So as far as I know, Flowblade doesn't do 4k, although a new proejct definition shouldn't be TOO hard to make, if you were really determined. The problem we have with 4k at work is that so few codecs really manage it well within the color space we require, so it's really only used as an output format, currently.

I imagine that as it slowly becomes easier to work with, Flowblade will integrate it. I haven't seriously looked into making a profile for it, though.

Actually, looking through bug reports and feature requests, Flowblade apparently now has the ability to render audio signals in the background, pre-emptively. I guess I just keep them turned off because, as I said, I rarely bother looking at the waveforms and just use my ear and the audio level readout.