Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

In an odd way, the Quark vs InDesign conundrum is a great argument for open source alternatives. I remember when designers scoffed at the idea of Adobe moving into Quark's domain, that there was no way anything but Quark could do layout, blah blah blah; then Adobe practically stole the market. Same goes for open source; one might scoff at the idea of using anything but {Quark|Adobe} for layout...and then you try an alternative and "ohmygosh I'm an artist and can make amazing things on anything!"

There were a few good git UI's, and I think (if memory serves) I ended up covering git-cola because in my experience, it's really easy to get up and running on any platform, being a fairly simple mix of Python, PyQt, and Git. Not sure what's involved getting gitg going on other platforms, but it is really nice. A few people at a place I do consulting for use it.