Dallas Mark Bowman

Authored Comments

Many people seem to be asking for a good "how-to" for Hugo on their (forum.https://discourse.gohugo.io)

Hugo development is moving so fast that the documentation is probably the best place to start, in my opinion. It is very well-written (compared to some other open source projects).

Here is their "Getting Started" page. https://gohugo.io/getting-started/

The documentation details a rapidly growing list of ways to host & deploy Hugo sites. Some of these options are fully free & open source which is great for classroom settings. https://gohugo.io/hosting-and-deployment/

Some open source projects come & go, but having watched Hugo for several years, it seems to have found several pain-points that it addresses particularly well.

I am currently working on setting up my own business & classroom sites using Hugo, Netlify, GitLab, & Netlify CMS. All these are open source, with good or excellent documentation.

Another good Hugo resource for educators is https://sourcethemes.com/academic/

Academic is a full framework for creating Hugo sites that is geared towards the academic community, but that can be used by anyone.

Academic is open source & under rapid development. The documentation is extensive & very well-written.