Tarus Balog

Authored Comments

Ben - I truly would like to believe your words, but when you say "many of the board members are gone" and everything is rosy now, I have to look at the facts.

When I wrote about this back in 2009, there were seven Board members of Medsphere. Now it appears there are six, five of whom were on the Board in 2009.

That's not "many" in term of turnover.

Please understand that I don't have a problem with you personally, but I am by nature a skeptic and suspicious of people in open source software who tout "community releases". Truly open source projects shouldn't be holding code back and doling it out piecemeal.

How do you respond to Gunnar's comment that "but few (if any) of the contributions from any private-sector VistA communities feed back into the VA VistA project." ?

Prove me wrong. Make this new CA initiative a success. Open source the rest of your code. *Show* me and the rest of the world that Medsphere has truly changed, and I'll be the first to celebrate.

Just a note that Medsphere is a cautionary tale for all of us who work in open source.

Not to pimp my blog, but I feel strongly about this, so if you care to read on how <a href="http://www.adventuresinoss.com/?p=814">the founders of Medsphere lost their company</a>, please visit.