Stephon Brown

Authored Comments

Hi Milan,

The getters/setters are automatically implemented once you declare a property within a class; therefore, using the example from the article, me.firstName can be used to both retrieve and set the property "firstName." Moreover, you can make more complex implementations of the property with different syntax outlined here:

While I agree some aspects of Kotlin may be a bit unclear/complex at first glance, I don't agree that Typescript is as easy to grasp transitioning from Java, an OOP language, provided its subset is the prototype-based language Javascript.


In my opinion, I would have to say no. Java is not a prerequisite to learning Kotlin.

Knowing Java will demystify a lot of architectural aspects related to the JVM and provide you with extended libraries within Java, but it is not necessary to have a complete and deep understanding to use Kotlin.

Jet Brains even offers very thorough walkthroughs called Koans: