Stephen R. Walli

707 points
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Redmond, WA and London, UK

I am a technical executive, a founder, a consultant, a writer, an international business person, a systems developer, a software construction geek, and a standards diplomat. I love to build teams and products that make customers ecstatic. I have worked in the IT industry since 1980 as both customer and vendor. I have been a Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and a consultant working for Docker. I'm a principal program manager in the Microsoft Azure engineering team.

Authored Comments

Thanks, Patrick. Too many folks seem to think the discussion that happens in code needs no support. If I publish it, then "community happens." Too many companies seem to think this too. Publishing software under an open source license is fine. Building a community takes hard work. I'm not sure the adults are always mature enough to appreciate the status quo challenge of Phase 2 you rightly describe -- that's a very nice addition! Thank you. stephe