Steve Stites

Authored Comments

"In MS's vision, you will be able to go into the BIOS and set a key for whatever OS you may happen to have. "

How does that affect people like me who boot several operating systems, none of which is Windows?

Steve Stites

There is a new BIOS standard evolving which is called UEFI. Microsoft is trying to get the hardware manufacturers to include a "secure boot" feature whereby a computer can only run the OS first installed and never be switched to a different OS.

I predict that if Windows 8 machines ship with UEFI's secure boot enabled that the history of secure boot will look like a sped up version of the history of DRM as described by Ruth Suehle. As the cracking and counter measure battle over secure boot unfolds Microsoft will leave many Windows 8 users stranded with unusable Windows 8 operating systems that they have already paid for. At the same time second hand cracked machines will sell for more than second hand uncracked machines. Second hand machines that have been subjected to Microsoft's counter measures will be worthless.

Any bets on which country first produces "UEFI Maria"?

Steve Stites