Stu Keroff

583 points
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South Saint Paul, MN

I am a social studies and technology teacher at Aspen Academy in Savage, MN. Our school uses Linux and open source software in several of our classrooms. These computers were provided to the classes by the Penguin Corps, our school's Linux club. The Penguin Corps is a diverse group of boys and girls who have fun after school learning how to become technology leaders.

For tips on how to start a Linux club of your own, go to The Linux Guide (

I am also husband, married to a wonderful woman for 24 years, and the father of two great kids. We make our home in South Saint Paul, MN.

Authored Comments

This set up sounds really cool. I might have some of my students at school give this a try. They're supposed to be experimenting anyway!

To check out what they're doing right now, go to

Thank you, Don. I am very proud of those two boys (who are now both in high school). First off, they saw the situation as a problem, not just "the way things are". Second, they wanted to help solve the problem. I am also very proud of those Karenni students who became risk takers and were the first ones to join the club.