Ruth Suehle

8567 points
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Raleigh, NC

Ruth Suehle is the community leadership manager for Red Hat's Open Source and Standards team. She's co-author of Raspberry Pi Hacks (O'Reilly, December 2013) and a senior editor at GeekMom, a site for those who find their joy in both geekery and parenting. She's a maker at heart who is often behind a sewing machine creating costumes, rolling fondant for an excessively large cake, or looking for the next great DIY project.

Authored Content

WoW. There went your anonymity.

Edit: As of July 9, Blizzard has said that at least for now, real names will not be required on the forums. I've talked here about privacy on Facebook. And that's one thing--a…

Authored Comments

I'm with you. I read status updates and hide all the app updates. Once in a blue moon, I play a game from one of the few trusted sources that's using Facebook as a platform. But other than that, it's just another communications vehicle. Which is not to say it's not important in that role--not at all. There are a lot of updates I see and friends I keep up with (particularly long ago, re-met friends) only through Facebook. To some, that's extraneous. To me, particularly having moved so many times through my life and lost track of so many people, it's valuable and wonderful.

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