Jonas Hegemann

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Jonas Hegemann is a physicist from Germany. In February 2018 he finished his dissertation in theoretical biophysics including computer simulations on cell biology and video analyses of elastic materials. Afterwards he worked as a software developer for smart home systems at BAB TECHNOLOGIE GmbH and, since March 2020, he is working for Uniper Technologies GmbH providing AI solutions for power plants.

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I'm not talking about my own group since we're running nearly exclusively on open source four a long time, with only a few exceptions like e.g. wolfram mathematica. But I also know many groups which run completely on commercial products like origin, comsol multiphysics or similar software packages. Open source is, as you correctly say, actually widely spread in the academic field, but there are still many places where it should definitely be used more intense!

Thanks for your comment, Ben.

The reproducibility issue you address is very important I think. Often it is difficult to reproduce the findings of a publication, because the corresponding code is not published with the paper. Things will be much easier and efficient if more research related code is published. This also concerns code with a limited application field.

As a student, I got several licenses of Microsoft products for free, so the discount thing you describe also exists in germany. But the more had to work with them, the more I realized that I Linux is the better choice. It is probably the responsibility of the university to equally hint at open source alternatives.